Success Smackdown Live With Kat

What To Do If Nothing Seems to Be Working!



What To Do If Nothing Seems to Be Working!   If you're going to make it to where you want to go and where you know you are MEANT to be in business - not just with money, but also with impact, fulfilment, and that whole thang of getting to go to bed each night KNOWING you are, then guess what? Shit is gonna fail. Fall on its face like a damn souffle collapsing when the oven door got slammed. Make you feel all kinds of yuck! And?? You, as the next level badass you KNOW you are, are gonna pick your sweet ass up off the floor and DO.THE.THING.ANYWAY. The thing??? Of continuing on. Question is - in what way? With what? And how? Listen to this weeks episode of The Rebel Millionaire Podcast Show to learn exactly what to do when your shiz is not working! How I turn things around, or move swiftly to the next, and either way - back on fire and track. Don't forget to hook me up with a review or DM me and let me know if you enjoy the show! I'd love to know what action you are going to