Success Smackdown Live With Kat

Do what makes you GLOW... or bust like a mofo



Do what makes you GLOW... or bust like a mofo The answer is not to get freakin' BETTER at being something you're not! If the things you're giving your life for - Or striving to create results from - Are, by their very definition, NOT CAPABLE OF MAKING YOU GLOW, then guess what sister? It doesn't matter how damn good you get at doing or being 'em, it's not going to get you to where you want to be! Today's show is short, to the point, and a soul smackdown of HIGHEST truth which will shift you in less than 20 minutes. Get to watching now. It's time to take the THRONE!   This audio is direct from my The Katrina Ruth Show live-streams where I discuss a range of subjects to do with empire building, business and success mindset, relationships and so much more with guests, with my tribe and with YOU! Expect the straight up truth of how I became a Self-Made Multi-Millionaire, a no BS attitude and lots of shenanigans!   Thanks for listening. Feel free to share or comment and