Success Smackdown Live With Kat

It’s not how much you do, it’s did you hit the magic flow button?!



It’s not how much you do, it’s did you hit the magic flow button?! Queen, it's NOT about doing more, staying on top of things, being the one who is More is not better. But - neither is less! How much is the correct amount, for your money making, your business in all ways, your body goals, your relationships, your life? The correct amount is the correct amount. It's about catching the beat of life ... being in the dance with your own soul and most sovereign and fully expressed self ... being in tune with your own divined and aligned pathway! Let's talk about becoming the flow, now, and receiving accordingly. Press play. x   This audio is direct from my The Katrina Ruth Show live-streams where I discuss a range of subjects to do with empire building, business and success mindset, relationships and so much more with guests, with my tribe and with YOU! Expect the straight up truth of how I became a Self-Made Multi-Millionaire, a no BS attitude and lots of shenanigans!