Success Smackdown Live With Kat

Stop Fucking Waiting for Permission! {Podcast 85}



Don’t ask people “if this is okay.” You’re just wasting time questioning and wondering. You might as well ask yourself for permission to live your life. There’s NOBODY ELSE that can give you permission.  REALITY:If you want to do something: do it. Only you can decide if you’re aligned to do somethingNo one can tell you if it’s “okay” Today's ASSKICKERY Action Task:What’s something you’ve been questioning lately? Write it down – and ask yourself if it’s FULLY aligned with you and your purpose. If it is, get cracking and DO IT. If you enjoyed this episode of ERTV, you can sign up here ( and receive my FREE book: Multi-Passionate Woman: FOR THE DRIVEN WOMAN WHO WANTS TO BE, DO AND HAVE IT ALL, IN BUSINESS AND LIFE!