Success Smackdown Live With Kat

Train Your Brain For Success! {Podcast 82}



The cool thing about being a super high achiever and wanting to get A LOT of shit done, you can REALLY play fun tricks on yourself.Make it easy – make money. Make it easy – get hard rock abs. Don’t get me wrong, this ALL takes SERIOUSLY HARD WORK. It’s not about WHAT you need to do to get what you want, it’s about WHO you are.If you’re someone who takes care of themselves, working out will be EASY for you. If you’re someone who knows 100% what they want, working will be EASY!So the best thing to do if we want to achieve massive amounts of success – and rather than making MASSIVE fucking to-do lists, of all this stuff “we’ve gotta do,” start to IMPLEMENT some daily activities into your life.Daily sales, admin, emails, social media, anything DAILY.. make it a habit. If you ask “how can I make this automated,” your life will become SO MUCH EASIER.I struggle sometimes, I have my resistance, but it’s SO MUCH EASIER because I’ve TRAINED myself to make everything automated. It still takes time and effort,• When you