Success Smackdown Live With Kat

Are you speaking in a language your clients are listening to? {Podcast 79}



I recently had a new client come into my 12-month mastermind, and she wasn’t getting the response she so desperately wanted from her branding. So I gave her some tips and suggestions on how she could repackage her offers.Since then, she’s made 4 new sales already! And it was just like, wow – it’s SO important to speak in a language your clients listen to. See the way she was branding her packages – she wasn’t speaking her audience’s language. That’s exactly why there were NO sales.One of my recent blog posts was about getting from where you are now to where you want to be. I called it “Stop trying to fuck on the first date!”Had I called it “How to get from where you are to where you want to be” – NO ONE would’ve cared. I was SPEAKING the language that my tribe - my AUDIENCE – speaks.Allow your audience to learn what they need to learn. And remember, don’t try to change how your audience speaks. You just have to change how YOU speak. Don’t speak Japanese to someone who only speaks English!• Don’t try to change