Success Smackdown Live With Kat

How To Be LIMITLESS!! {Podcast 77}



I was on an interesting call with a client today – her branding is around empowerment. And she wanted some help with some of her mental blocks: “What are people going to think?”Here’s the thing: people are ALWAYS going to think something of you. You CANNOT allow your dreams to be limited by someone else’s judgements.You NEED to believe in your dreams and put yourself out there, or you might as well just GIVE UP NOW. We need to go ALL IN.The big thing when it comes to other people’s opinions is we’re SCARED they’ll see our downfalls.. my slogan is “life is now, press play” – and if someone asked if I ‘press play’ in ALL areas of my business and life, I’d say NO! BUT.WE’RE HUMAN. We have pitfalls. We ALL have fears. Look at your true, deep desire, and FIGURE OUT how to get your desire. OTHERWISE you’ll just be saying “I can have it all,” but if you’re not LISTENING to your heart, you probably won’t be able to get it.• Start to be aware about what you say you believe, vs. what you DO believe • Listen to your inn