Success Smackdown Live With Kat

I've been lying about how much I work {Podcast 71}



I've realized I've been lying about how much I work. I say I work 4 hours a day – 25 hours a week. But really, is that true? I won't say I've been lying, but with everything I do – admin, emails, sales activities, content creation, I DO work about 4 hours a day. But a few years ago, I decided and started to believe that I COULD make A LOT of money and a helluva impact through doing what I love – writing, speaking, putting myself out there. And that belief has come TRUE. A lot of the stuff I do you could classify as "work," but to me – it's more than that. It's a ritual.I don't remember half of the "work" I do! When I get up – I spent 30 mins as journalling. But that's not "work," right? Then there's my writing – I spend AT LEAST 1- 2 horus a day on writing. So that's at least 6 and a half hours a day "working." For me, my writing is how I grow my tribe – if I don't write, I DON'T SELL! Then there's filming