Success Smackdown Live With Kat

The Thing You're Resisting is the Thing You Need Most {Podcast 70}



Today, I'm talking about taking action.Sometimes, there are things we have to do – or want to do – in life and business that we RESIST doing. We just put it off. We procrastinate. We don't work out. We avoid that phone call. But the thing is – WHY are you resisting?Generally the things we resist are WHAT WE NEED to do the most – for our soul, our business, our life – our heart is literally SCREAMING at you to do what you're resisting.There's always an underlying reason why we resist.If you're resisting working out – is it because you don't think you can look as good as you want to? If you're resisting making a sales call – is it because you're unprepared, unclear on your goals? If you're resisting pushing out of your comfort zone – are you scared?• When you dive within, you'll ALWAYS find out WHY you resist. • When we resist, we don't listen to our heart • Give your soul what it wants: stop resisting • Do you need to take more action?EXERCISE Right no