Success Smackdown Live With Kat

I wish I could bottle this feeling {Podcast 66}



I wish I could bottle this crazy bitch feeling. I was writing, and just felt FLAT. It was one of those "ARGHGHHHH!!!!!" moments!See, I'm pretty analytical about what I do and how I feel. I highly recommend that you QUESTION EVERYTHING YOU DO AND FEEL. I question why I do everything.Everything I produce – see, it's about 1% of what I can share. Because I create a LOT of content, I realised today that it's okay if people don't read EVERYTHING I send. It's okay. People will read what they want to read. They'll watch what they want to watch.I just produce the amount of content that I WANT to publish. The least true thing I can do for myself is to limit how much I can put out there.One of the biggest mistakes you can make is trying to structure what you say to EVERYONE. Trying to impress anyone and everyone is just going to SUCK. And it just won't work.You still allowed to create your deepest, darkest soul work – just DON'T LIMIT WHO YOU ARE!Challenge yourself – sh