Success Smackdown Live With Kat

Why Are You So Scared of Failure {Podcast 61}



As kids – we REALLY have no fear of failure.Think about it... how many times would you let your child attempt to walk, until you tell them to stop and just give up?Never, right?Yet, as adults – we get it in our head that after the first time, tenth time, thousandth time of something not working, it MUST mean we're no good at it.NOT TRUE.There's a difference between something not working for us anymore, and just giving up. The way I've been able to create such a successful business is by focusing on outcomes. Sometimes the path will change, but the outcome will usually stay the same.Why are you so scared of failure? It's a guideline – a lesson. It's just one more thing that didn't work.Roll up your sleeves, gorgeous, pick up your chin, and do what a baby does when they fall down: eventually, they just get back up and try again.Embrace failure. You will get there. Keep pushing.EXERCISE: what are you afraid of failing at? Write it down, and burn it. Then take action.Don't mis