Success Smackdown Live With Kat

Let Go to Let Creativity Flow {Podcast Episode 60}



I've been thinking a lot about letting go. See, in my life, I notice themes. Some themes take longer than others to let go of. Lately, I've been feeling like I haven't been creating from within. I've had to learn that creativity isn't a structured process – it's why I get skeptical around"professional" creative courses – WHY should someone TELL me how ot be creative?!If you're really caught up in what makes success, if you're really caught p in what you think you need to do to generate cashflow, and if it's from a place of fear – HOW WILL YOU LET CREATIVITY FLOW? For me, if I'm not regularly creating new stuff, it impacts EVERYTHING I do. I turn into a grumpy bitch if I don't create. EXERCISE: if you're not feeling like yourself, let go. Clear your schedule. Let go of the feeling that you HAVE to do something. For the next few days, give yourself permission to have space for whatever comes up. For anything. Go for a walk. Journal. Meditate.