Success Smackdown Live With Kat

Podcast Episode 23: The Plan: Your Entire Online Business Mapped Out, and Ready to Rock



This was a call I used to introduce The Tribe, but also one I used to hit you with the TRUTH about what it takes to simplify and rock your online biz now. I’ll be honest, I don’t think I ever spoke so fast or churned through so much important in your face shiz! Officially, what this call was about?The Plan: Your Entire Online Business Mapped Out, and Ready to Rock.Purpose, passion, what you are called to do.Business model options.Where to start low end.Where to start high end.Marketing, branding, and getting people to buy. And we did all that, but also – wow – this:I also shared exactly what I would do, in less than 5 minutes, if I were starting from square ONE again, and I spoke about the two things I see as the BIGGEST and most prevalent reasons for kickass women NOT yet achieving their dreams.