Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology

Anne Ortelee's June 5, 2022 Weekly Weather



Last week we took off like a ROCKET!!  This week Venus takes control! The feminine energy gets active! Watch for the feminine energy to move front and center. Pallas Athena in Taurus meets up with Uranus on June 6. Venus is in Taurus goes over the world point of 15 Taurus mid week. She meets up with Uranus on June 11. Explosions and surprises    Mercury trines Pluto for the third time on June 10.  The first trine was April 28 right after Mercury entered his retrograde shadow on April 25.  The second trine was May 25 when Mercury was retrograde!   All sorts of things get revealed!  Pay attention to what you learn, hear or come to understand.  Mercury forming a minor grand trine with Pluto and the Neptune. Mercury has the Ghosts return. Stories change. Things are revealed. Secrets are told!  He'll be in Gemini until July 6!     Oh what a week it is going to be!  Hang on to your hat! Intense energy alert! Focus.    .  Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) cer