The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 590: How Your Beliefs Control Your Biology - With Dr. Bruce Lipton



Can you think of a time that you’ve gotten sick because you were stressed? Studies show that emotional stress can be a contributing factor to many conditions, ranging from the common cold to cardiovascular disease. There’s an undeniable link between our thoughts and our physical manifestations, and that’s the topic for today’s show. On this episode of The Model Health Show, stem cell biologist and epigenetic pioneer, Dr. Bruce Lipton, is back to share the truth about how disease is created and how stress impacts the immune system. You’re going to learn how to build an empowering belief system that promotes health, plus four practices you can implement to create a healthy body. We’re diving into topics like the motives of the pharmaceutical industry, how our environment shapes our health, and the science behind the placebo effect.  There is powerful science behind how your beliefs inform your gene expression, and there’s no one better to teach this topic than Dr. Bruce Lipton. It’s not your genes alone that di