Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

If we really want to normalize Mental Health and Addiction EP 187



Many of you have heard me talk about the “Normalizing” mental wellness and addiction talk I’ve been working on. This episode is the recording from the workshop I gave at a local treatment facility. I enjoyed that environment because I got to talk a little more about the addiction side however, the message is extremely important for community groups, schools, employers, treatment centers and corrections. If we really want to normalize and desigmatize mental health and addiction, we have to stop talking so much about mental health and addiction. What we need to focus on is mental and emotional wellness, i.e. how do I handle my emotions when I’m stressed, under pressure, or squeezed. Also, we must address the family and community dysfunction vs just trying to help the person that struggles the most. We must normalize the basics for the masses. Basic counseling, basic coaching, basic peer lead support groups versus waiting till someone is classified with a mental health diagnosis or addiction before we start help