Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology

Anne Ortelee's June 19, 2022 Weekly Weather



We've been moving like a ROCKET!!  This week Venus and Pallas Athena control the heavens as the feminine energies continue to be active! Watch for the feminine energy to move front and center. Pallas Athena traces Venus' steps and moves through a square to Saturn and a sextile to Neptune. Venus faces control by Pluto and is on algol. Sun enters Cancer for the summer season.  A fierce chart, the Sun is in mutual reception with the Moon in Aries. ~ expect passion, heat and drama ALL SUMMER long!  Apply common sense to all you hear.  Reread Thomas Paine's book on "Common Sense".   Listen to what women or the feminine energies are saying!  Lots of planets on the world points so action can be expected indeed!   Mercury is out of his shadow and moving fast in Gemini! Look at both sides of the story!  Pay attention to what you learn, hear or come to understand.  Oh what a week it is going to be! Harder than last week but still oodles of energy! Focus.    .  Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA,