Machine Learning

Energy 1.0 hydrogen from salt water



1. Solar energy water splitting panels create hydrogen for fuel cell vehicles. 2. A small amount of silicon and cobalt grown into a nanostructured thin films of iron oxide convert sunlight into electrons needed to form hydrogen from water. Cauliflower like structures have high surface area for splitting water. The silicon improves electron conductivity in the material. The cobalt acts as a catalyst. (Reference Link) 3. hypersolar generator produces hydrogen from salt water. (Reference Link) 4. Waste water can be used to produce electricity or hydrogen. (Reference Link) 5. The Electrolytic Cation Exchange Module is being used by Navy research to produce synthetic fuel ( liquid natural gas ) and hydrogen from salt water. (Reference Link) 6. Nanoflowcell uses salt water to create an electric charge which is stored in super capacitors. The car cars two 200 liter tanks with a 373 mile range and four electric motors in the tires. (Reference Link) --- Send in a voice message: