Taxi Tv

Why Did This Member QUIT TAXI .m4a [62722]



Some companies only let you see the good news. TAXI has always been more transparent than that, so we're going to feature a past member's story about why he didn't renew his membership. Ouch!!! Honestly, I take it very personally when somebody doesn't renew their membership. How did we fail them? What could we have done better? Why did this person quit TAXI???? - Was it frustration due to no forwards? - Was it because he was forwarded, but he never heard back from the company we sent the music to? - Was it because he didn't earn back what his membership cost? - Did he think that TAXI's A&R team just didn't get how great his music is? - Did he think the feedback he got was off-base? - Do you have some of the same issues? Join me as I dig deep to find out WHY this member decided to leave TAXI, and a bunch of other great tips on making a career out of doing TV music. I think this just might be one of our most powerful episodes of TAXI TV we've ever done. Set an alarm so you don't miss the live show. The truth