David Gornoski Shows

Jeff Deist, Mark Sunwall and Dr Yu on government shutdowns, fear and Uranus - A Neighbor's Choice



Are government shutdowns the solution to the COVID-19 pandemic? Did you know that some politicians are actually calling for military involvement in response to the coronavirus crisis? Jeff Deist joins David Gornoski, president of the Mises Institute, to dissect the current situation and discuss on how calmer heads should prevail. Why are politicians driven by fear and not faith? Anthropologist and economist Mark Sunwall joins the show and gives some fascinating insights on the collective mind and the phenomenon of scapegoating in the face of crisis. And last but not least! Dr Weiping Yu, our chief science advisor, joins David Gornoski to discuss the latest news of a giant magnetic gas bubble from Uranus found in Voyager 2's data. All of this and more on A Neighbor's Choice! Original air date: April 2nd 2020 Follow Jeff Deist on Twitter @jeffdeist and on mises.org