Calvary Chapel San Ramon Podcast

Episode 153: Hebrews 9:15 - 10:18 "Stumbling stone or Cornerstone?"



Hebrews is written to the Hebrews so we have to put on a Hebrew mindset of that time in history in order to understand the writer. The Hebrews wanted a sign because Jesus did not fit their expectations. They wanted a conquering king. So Jesus was a stumbling stone in their perspective. They expected another.Jesus’ death was planned through promises, predicted through prophecy and fulfills all of God’s plans and purposes. 1. A testament demands death2. Forgiveness demands blood3. Judgement demands a substituteJesus had to die for our sins to pay the price and complete the gift of eternal life. Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins. The wages of sin is death. No works, no efforts, no deeds we can do in our life can cover our sins. We are all sinners saved by amazing grace. The testator has to die for the will to be executed and then the assets dispersed to the beneficiaries. Jesus then rises from the dead, defeating death the devil and the grave to then become Executor of the will. No on