The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Wendy Gray: Trees across Auckland & NZ’s chainsaw culture = exotics are bad and natives are good



European trees are being targeted as a part of ‘cancel culture’ - whilst nature takes the hit. Meanwhile this is all being sidelined by our elected representatives both at a national level as well as locally. The fact that exotic trees are being cut down because they were introduced by early European settlers appears to be part of the ‘cancel-culture’ that can even be conceived as a cultural marxist agenda. That is, to take down the past and eradicate it. The fact that deep ecology is being ignored and that the flora and fauna are under attack, defies common sense - especially when there is an actual program in Auckland to plant 1 million additional trees goes against common wisdom.       Main Points that Wendy Wishes to Convey Wendy Gray 'chainsaw politics' tree felling Western Springs & Across Auckland Tree blindness is being unable to notice trees in our environment or appreciate their importance for the biosphere and in human affairs. Tupuna – the ancestors. Our trees are considered to be our ancesto