The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Paul Wardell: Unknown Health Effects & Electro-Sensitivity, 5G & the 4th Industrial Revolution



Yes, there were smokestack industries and a lot of steam as the industrial revolution built up - but nothing in the way of man-made radiation what so ever. At that time human biology and the Schumann resonance for our planet was roughly 7.83cycles and all biota on earth were all in harmony. It was not until the Soviets put a man in space that cosmonauts and later astronauts had to have a little power pack attached to them running this frequency because if they are removed from this frequency of 7.83cycles -  they will rapidly become very ill and eventually die. So other than lightening and the Schumann resonance there was ‘nothing’ above this, so all the way up to invisible light there was ‘nothing’ and all was in harmony. But now we humans have almost completely ‘filled up’ all that ‘frequency’ range or space, with ‘artificial, mostly digital signals.’ Like being inside a ‘low powered’ microwave oven. The Coming of Radiation This all came about via the industrial revolution that leads to the so-called ‘enlig