The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Dan Hermansen: Is Aotearoa, New Zealand a Free and Independent Country?



There are two important historical dates in NZ, these are 1835 and 1840. With Captain Cook’s arrival in 1769 he put New Zealand firmly on the world map. This then started a chain of events that to this day have yet to be satisfactorily understood or resolved by the elected representatives of this country. King William the Fourth, 1765 to 1837 - the King of the British Empire, on learning that New Zealand  was possibly the last hidden land to be found and that it was the only country he knew of that did not have snakes, wanted to give it special status. In doing so he wanted to be the first Monarch to give a land that had been recently found its own independence and in doing so they would have his protection. This was a world first. No other Monarch had ever offered the indigenous people of any land their independent nationhood. That during 1835, thirty four Maori Chiefs in the North of New Zealand came together and with King William’s support, created a new flag and this was important, because the world of th