Heroes Rise

Heroes Rise two hundred and twelfth entry: Blood War I



Welcome, brave adventurers, to Heroes Rise. This is the 212th entry into our chronicle, recorded on Saturday, May 21st, and released Wednesday, May 25th over at heroesrisepodcast.com.In this week’s Adventurer’s Pack, Ostron doesn’t appreciate how good he has it and decides infidelity is a better option.Next we check out some D&D News as we take a look at the latest release from Wizards of the Coast, Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the MultiverseAfter that we take a Short Rest and head into the Gnomish Workshop so that we can take a dip in the Astral Sea; before finally heading into the Scrying Pool to see what you [all] have to say.Community QuestionsWhat do you think of the changes to the playable race mechanics? Have the races been rebalanced appropriately? Are they losing their individuality enough that it’s a problem?Do you like the new monster stat block layouts? Are things easier to use and work with, or is it just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic?Have Barbarians, Wizards, and Warlocks been