Calvary Temple

Prostrate But Unbelieving



The condition of our heart when we approach God matters very much to Him! In Numbers 20:6-13 Moses assumes a very acceptable posture of falling on his face prostrate before God and prays for a very worthy cause of needing water for the Children of Israel. All looked good from the surface.The scripture says that the glory of the Lord appeared to them there when he prayed.  But, despite God answering the prayer with very specific direction to speak to a rock and God would miraculously cause it to produce water for the people, Moses blatantly disobeyed and struck the rock instead. God called this disobedience unbelief.  Unbelief separates us from God, and ultimately, if not corrected and repented for, prevents us from achieving our goal of making Heaven our home.  It certainly kept Moses out of the Promised Land.