Beautifully Organised With Marissa Roberts

How to add little moments of calm to your busy day



It’s easy to get caught up in the rush of day-to-day life.  Getting people ready, driving & dropping off, making sure everyone is fed and everything is clean, keeping up with laundry, shopping & appointments, getting work done, solving little problems before they become big ones, falling into bed stressed and exhausted, and then waking up again the next morning to do it all again.  We have to cram so much into the day that it almost feels too hard to add in the stuff we actually enjoy!  If you’re going through a really busy stage right now and you’d love to slow down and feel a little calmer, the easiest way to start is with tiny pockets of calm peppered throughout your day.  Little moments that almost force you to slow down and breathe a little deeper.  Things that are easy to do, or things that make what you’re already doing feel better.  Here are my favourite ways to bring a little more calm back into my day! ----- Mentioned in this episode: House & Family Binder -