Endurance Horse Podcast

Heather Reynolds- Tevis 2022



Endurance Horse Podcast - Episode 56 Episode 56 of the Endurance Horse Podcast is being published the  19th of July 2022 by Christina Hyke   Hard to believe we are in our 5th year of Endurance Horse Podcast -established in 2018.    Endurance Horse Podcast first aired in March of 2018,  we have averaged 12 episodes per year and have stayed free and commercial free for our listeners and are approaching 50,000 downloads.  It seems fitting that in our 5th year, we bring you 5 stories from Tevis Cup 2022.   In this episode I get to chat with top, international endurance rider, Heather  Reynolds of Reynolds Racing.  Heather placed 4th this year at Tevis 2022.  Heather is an International competitor and part of the dynamic duo that is Reynolds Racing.  Both she and her husband, Jeremy are well known in the sport and have represented the USA at the highest levels of endurance.  Heather has over 25,000 AERC miles, multiple Tevis Cup wins, eight Tevis completions, as well has having won the Haggin cup in past years.