Geekscape Games Podcast

Level 210 - "Please Insert MMRYCRD Into Slot 1"



Join the Geekscape crew for a bi-weekly discussion about video games (and more often than not, things that have nothing to do with video games)! This week Shane is back and he's brought a special guest in while the squad is down at San Diego Comic Con! Llogan the art project/zine, MMRY.CRD is here to chat about his projects, and how sad the cat game is! Be sure to listen to the whole episode, as Llogan has graciously given YOU the listener a coupon code for his Etsy Store! Check it out at or What Happened? Introduction to Llogan. How Llogan and Shane met. Llogans creative process for creating his custom PlayStation 1 demake cases. Stray. Shane finally got his Steam Deck. Returnal. The Quarry. Llogan's Tech Tips: Fixing an overheating PS5. Where Can I Follow Geekscape Games? Subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts! Subscribe to us on Google Podcasts! Follow us on Spotify! Follow us on Stitcher! Subscribe with another program! Follow us on Twitter! Follow us on Inst