Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology

Anne Ortelee's July 24, 2022 Weekly Weather



Lots of changes in the sky!!!  A huge shift in energy as Fire takes over the heavens!  Yes that means lots of fires here on earth. A bright and shiny new moon takes place on Thursday as Jupiter stations to go retrograde on the day of the New Moon in trine to it so abundance of fire passion is promised. Sun, Mercury and Ceres are in Leo.  Venus in Cancer.  Venus will change every two and a half days as the moon changes.  Jupiter and Juno station to go retrograde ~ until November 24 and October 22 when they turn direct respectively.   A difficult week ahead of revelations, ideas and oh wow moments. Uranus meets up with the North Node followed by Mars next week.  This is a once every 8 year conjunction.  Big doings!  Uranus North Node conjunction runs throught Moscow ~ what's happening with Putin?  Oh what a week it is going to be! Oodles of energy! Pace yourself.  It is a marathon not a spring.  Focus. Make a list of what you want to accomplish this summer!!  Practical rules!    .  Anne Ortelee, a nationall