Win Today With Christopher Cook: Your Roadmap To Wholeness

SUMMER BREAK 2022: Training Your Body and Brain to Thrive During Stress and Recover from Trauma (feat. Dr. Elizabeth Stanley)



This week, we’re talking about training your body and brain to thrive during stress and how to recover from trauma. Joining us is Dr. Elizabeth Stanley, author of the acclaimed book, "Widen the Window." By day, she's a political scientist who specializes in international security. But today, you'll hear about her personal experience of moving through trauma into wholeness. If you enjoy this episode with Dr. Stanley, I'm sure you'll also enjoy: 277: Why the Relentless Pursuit of Pleasure Leads to Pain, Narcissism, and Dopamine Addiction (feat. Dr. Anna Lembke) 282: Jamie Winship on Getting Unstuck, The Lie of Being Alone, Radical Individualism, and Why Pain is Good Episode Links: Dr. Stanley's Website | Her latest book is available on Amazon here | Take a FREE Adverse Childhood Experiences Quiz Subscribe to #WinTodayShow on YouTube. Join the conversation wherever hashtags are welcome using #WinTodayShow. Get the brand-new "Win the Week" email newsletter here. Connect with The Art of Leadership Network of pod