Fyfc Studios - Fearcast

FEARCast 89 - Zach Green



In this episode we talk about: - How Fatal Pictures came to be - Packing more into a 15 min movie than most feature films - Let's talk about Worm - How amazing is Robert Nolan... - Richard Powell is a brilliant writer. - Heir picks up its 6th award, should be on iTunes soon, Familiar is already on there. - Hollywood is concerned about money, but the real shit is in the Independent circuit - We love It Follows, even though FEARCastJ didn't - Heir is absolutely haunting, Fear has watched it 5-7 times already - The Boxcutter Trilogy - Kickstarter - Dropping hints about a new film... - A feature film based on Worm! - The next short, is going to be the shortest... 3-5 mins! - Getting their feet wet, learn everything they can, thing bring on the FEATURE! - Canadian talent unite! Because no studios care lol - Crowdfunding has been extremely helpful in Canada - Good films get recognized. - We take in content differently now, these movies look WAY better on the big screen - The people who need to STFU when watching f