Win Today With Christopher Cook: Your Roadmap To Wholeness

302: Will Recession Happen in 2022? And How to Navigate Financial Uncertainty with Peace (feat. Bob Lotich)



Will recession happen in 2022? Today, we're talking about how to navigate financial recession and financial uncertainty with peace. You know that we rarely talk about money here on the podcast, but considering the present state of our economy, I wanted to host my friend, Bob Lotich, and give you habits and tips to keep your peace and stay afloat in these uncertain times. And speaking of peace, I'd love for you to receive my weekly email, Win the Week, which is all about getting under the hood of your heart so that incremental steps towards transformation can be made in your mental and emotional health, and in your spiritual growth. I'm so encouraged by your feedback about how it's helping you and why it feels like you and I are sitting down for coffee to chat. So, if you don't yet receive Win the Week, go sign-up today. It's a quick-win, quick-read, no-frills weekly email designed to be read and applied in less than five minutes. I simply want to help you grow deeper. Go to to sign-up today. If yo