Movers & Shapers: A Dance Podcast

MSP 17: Doug Post



An interview with Doug Post, Gallery Artist Representative and Office Manager at Pentacle, an artist service organization based in New York.  He has served as president of Beyondance Inc.'s Board of Directors, was founding member of Freespace Dance's Board, and is on the Advisory Board of ACF Dance, Reverb Dance, and the Brooklyn Dance Festival.  Doug curates Dixon Places's (NYC) Under Exposed and Moving Men series.  He publishes a weekly newsletter of performances, auditions, and other items of interest to the dance community. This interview is part of the special 5-part series "Starring New Jersey" that features interviews by prominent dance "shapers" in the dance field who call NJ home. The series is made possible from a grant from New Jersey Council for the Humanities, a state partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities.