Black Rich Club

Ep 5: Black Love And The Importance Of Its Representation



Black Love is such a beautiful thing and it needs to be protected. Its representation needs to be protected. We are in a era where imagery is our everyday lives. Social media has forced so many different images into our minds on a daily basis. Every second over 1,100 photos are being uploaded on Instagram and out of that, how many do you think are positive images? Then of those positive images, how many do you think are of black love?  Believe it or not, our ancestors used to be in love. Even during slavery, black families were tight knit and loved each other. They literally died on fields for each other and defending each other. Our love is strong and special but we don't see much of it. The images we see now would have you to believe that black love does not exist and that black people can't even get along. We need to see more positive representation of our love.  This podcast episodes, Franny talks about a video of a black married couple that was posted on the @BlackRichClub Instagram page that s