Car Rides With Little Miss Gigi

I can help



"After breakfast, Thomas watched sulkily as his brother wheeled his bike out of the garage next to Mikey’s. “You can come next time, okay?” Said Josh. Thomas nodded and watched as they rode down the hill, waving goodbye. ‘I can’t wait till I’m bigger’ Thomas thought to himself. Just then he heard a noise behind him. It was Dad sliding under the car. “Whatcha doing Dad?” Thomas asked. “Got to change the oil” Dad replied. “It’s well overdue.” “Thomas lay down on his belly to have a look. His Dad had a spanner in one hand and seemed to be trying to loosen something with great effort. “This…thing….is so….TIGHT!” Dad grunted. “I can help!” Thomas said. “Aw thanks bud” said Dad “but your muscles are a bit too small for this job. Why don’t you go play outside?” he suggested. “Ok…” Thomas sighed. Tune in to listen to the whole story. Written by: Rosie Smith Special effect editing: James Wagner  music credit:  Email us: READ STORY ON THE BLOG GET OUR AUDIOBOOKS Writ