American Snippets

When Private Pain Becomes Politically Weaponized - with Michelle Black



Losing someone you love is painful enough even in "normal" circumstances. But imagine if that person's death was on video, published for the world to see, and then politically weaponized? Imagine if the people responsible were seen celebrating, and if the people who were supposed to have your back turned on you, instead?All of that and more is what my guest on this episode went through.Michelle Black is the widow of Staff Sergeant Bryan Black, one of the four Green Berets who died in Niger on October 4, 2017. The media reported the attack before the military informed her of her husband's death. Then bodycam footage of her husband's death was broadcast for the world to see - including Michelle, her two sons, her husband's parents, and the other family members of those killed alongside her husband. As if all of that was not difficult enough, the military also publicly denounced the actions of her husband's unit that day, implying that the Unit had "gone rogue" and had not been following orders. That was the las