Student Ministry Podcast

020: My Own Student Ministry Experience with Steve Cullum



In episode 20 of The Student Ministry Podcast, Steve changes it up and interviews himself. Well, okay, he didn't actually talk to himself, but he didn't have a guest for this episode. Instead, he thought it was time for me to share his own student ministry experiences, especially since God just moved him from a 10-year ministry in New England to Colorado.   According to Steve, "He has taught me a lot through the years, and I hope I can pass on a bit of that to you today in this episode of the podcast. For you who don't want to hear me ramble on, don't worry. I'm not going to make this a regular thing. I just thought it was time for me to share my story."   More from Steve:   Follow Steve on Twitter: @stevecullum   Follow the podcast on Twitter: @stuminpod   If you like what you hear, be sure to like, subscribe, share, and comment! Thanks and may God bless your ministry!   Sponsors for this episode of the Student Ministry Podcast:   workcampNE   National Network of Youth Ministries   Reach Youth New England