More Than Money

FULL SHOW: More than Money May 6th



Dave and Faisal: What's coming up on the show and what Dave and Faisal and what they've been hearing from their client lately especially when it comes to rate of return and what that really means Executor: What is an executor of a will and what their role and responsibilities are. Plus, the rammifications if they mismanage the estate. Guest: Katherine Zhang, Associate at Walsh LLP Failure to Launch: Why Millennials are stuck at home and how to get them out of your house and living their own successful lives Guest: Hal, Henkel, licensed family therapist, New York Times bestselling author of ScreamFree Parenting and ScreamFree Marriage, and author of the new book Choose Your Own Adulthood: A Small Book About the Small Choices that Make the Biggest Difference."  Hotel Reviews: What you need to know about hotel reviews and how to write reviews to help the next set of visitors Guest: Tamara Elliot,