Scott Thompson Show

A thorough look at the stories of Taliyah Leigh Marsman and the attack in Nice, France.



    The Scott Thompson Show Podcast An autopsy is scheduled for today on a body that Calgary police believe is Taliyah Leigh Marsman. Edward Delten Downey has been charged with two counts of first degree murder.  Guest: Joe McFarland, News Director at NewsTalk770. What processes do police go through when handling cases such as Taliyah’s? Also; the attack in Nice, France.  Guest: Ross McLean. Crime Specialist. Security expert, Former Toronto Police Officer. A French man of Tunisian descent drove a truck through crowds of revelers celebrating Bastille Day in Nice, France. 84 people have died and many others are in critical condition. Guest: Simon Palamar. Research Assistant, Centre for International Governance Innovation.