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TMHS 610: How Fear Can Control Your Mind, Body, & Behavior - With Tony Blauer



“Being brave isn’t the absence of fear. Being brave is having that fear but finding a way through it.” – Bear Grylls Fear is an innate part of the human experience. Although you might minimize fear as a basic emotion, fear is a complex process that triggers a series of physiological changes within the body. Fear isn’t inherently bad—in fact, fear is hardwired into our brains to keep us safe and alive. The key is to have a healthy relationship with fear and to be aware of how it impacts all areas of our lives. Today’s guest, Tony Blauer, is a self-defense coach and fear management, expert. Through his company, Blauer Training Systems, his mission is to empower folks to reframe their relationship with fear in order to maximize performance. With over four decades of experience, Tony is a leading authority in the self-defense industry. He’s implemented scenario-based training for individuals and organizations across the world, including military, law enforcement, leadership teams, and the general public.  This ep