Mango Bae

PROBLEMATIC Indian Body Spray Ad??| Mango bae # 177



India needs a cultural firewall around it! From Jews to Ball-less Italians--this episode has it all! Broadway plays, Jews, Pranav's bad personality, a comic we talk about who has no name, bad indian advertising, Layer'r body spray, western depictions of desis in the news, and more! contents 0:00 Usama on Broadway 2:40 Pranav being a hater 3:50 dumb ppl that act smart 6:30 Castratis | 9:36 Bad comedian talks smack 11:30 Autism markers 14:00 C***** S****** 15:15 Layer'R Shot 21:00 Pranav's Jordan Peterson impression 24:00 India needs a cultural reset 26:00 Priyanka Jonas 28:00 Indian R**e Problem 31:00 FOLLOW US : @yourmangobae