Taxi Tv

How Many Tracks Do You Need To Earn FULL - TIME SYNC Income [with Keith LuBrant][082222]



People ask me this question nearly every week of my life: "How many tracks do I need to make full-time sync income?" They ask me in the live chatroom on TAXI TV. They ask me in the hotel elevator during our free music convention, the Road Rally. They ask it on the TAXI Forums. Why are musicians so obsessed with the magic number of tracks it takes before you can earn a full-time income with your music? I think it's because they'd rather have their day gig be a job they love, VS their day gig now, that they probably hate! I was working on TAXI's website a few days ago, and I saw a quote from member Keith LuBrant that inspired this episode. "I've had 105,455 placements on 1,711 TV shows on 283 networks." Well Keith, how many tracks do you have in production music libraries to accomplish numbers like that? Inquiring minds want to know, and that's why I've asked him to join me on this week's TAXI TV! We're going to dig deep and uncover everything you need to know about how many tracks you need to make full-