Taxi Tv

60% Of ALL Musicians Are Making This CAREER - KILLING Mistake![081522]



This is not marketing hype or clickbait! This is an URGENT warning to all musicians. Please read on... It's not just TAXI members that are making this mistake! It's likely that 60% of ALL songwriters, artists, and composers are making this seemingly innocent mistake. It can be career-killing, yet very few musicians realize they've brought this serious problem upon themselves. So, what IS "the big mistake"? Hint: It can be devastating to your ability to license your music for film and TV placements. And that's why I'll be joined on the show by a successful Publisher who specializes in TV and Film Music! You're going to want to hear how publishers will treat your music if you've made this mistake. I'm not going to tell you what the big mistake is in this email because there are nuances to this problem that I prefer to tell you about in person. Here's how to find out... If you want to find out if you're making this career-killing mistake (60% chance that you are!), you need to watch this week's episode of