Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology

Anne Ortelee's August 14, 2022 Weekly Weather



Here is the Sun!  This week we continue  with lots of changes as Sun forms a finger of God with Neptune and Pluto mid week.  Changes, changes and more changes!!!  Mars enters Gemini this week where he stays until March 25, 2022.  Time for decisions and moving forward.  Two choices. Two options. Two of everything!  Sun was super active last week. He squared the Nodes and Uranus and opposed Saturn.  There was a Full Moon so secrets were revealed. More secrets to come out this week!  Lots of Fire taking over the heavens!  Yes that means lots of fire and passions here on earth. Mercury is in Virgo until August 24.  Great time for getting tasks in order and developing your plans for the future.   Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expect to experience on Planet Earth during the upcoming week. She offers a brief