Cracking Creativity Podcast With Kevin Chung

33: Michael Zaytsev on Mindsets, Coaching, and Starting His Own Venture in High NY



Michael Zaytsev is a life coach and founder of High NY. Before taking on his current roles, he was a financial analyst for J.P. Morgan and a sales rep for Google. In this episode, Michael talks about lessons he learned at J.P. Morgan and Google, why coaching is important, and why he took up the mantle at High NY. Here are three things you can learn from Michael: The Power of Mindsets Michael learned many lessons while working for J.P. Morgan and Google. One of the biggest lessons he learned was that of being of value. While many people go in to startups expecting to make money from them, Michael created his knowing he would not make a lot of money in the beginning. Instead, he focused on creating value. When you create value, you will be rewarded in the long run. Another thing he learned was analyzing risk and return. Many founders are only focused on the now. Instead of only looking at the present, Michael analyzes whether his actions are worth the risk. He also looks at the short and long term value of ever