The Cari Murphy Show

Join Host Cari Murphy and Guest Kari Samuels 02/08/12



Kari Samuels is a Psychic Intuitive, Theta Healing practitioner, and creator of the upcoming CD, “Meet Your Future Self”. Kari is highly sought-after for her expertise and innovation as a numerologist. Using the letters of your name and the numbers in your birth date – she can tune into your past, present and future, decipher your destiny, and guide you on your path toward happiness like a human GPS. If there is an area in your life that needs more joy, Kari can shed light on dark places and lift your spirits with remarkable insight. She is known to fuse entertainment with enlightenment, wit with wisdom, and psychic with sassy. In addition to using her own abilities, Kari has taught hundreds of people around the world how to access their own intuition, as well as harness the power of numbers to enhance one’s life. It is her joy to help others manifest their divine potential. Visit Kari at