Angel Invest Boston

Sherine Abdelmawla - Akanocure



Angel Scale Biotech: Learn More Sherine Abdelmawla, PhD, founded Akanocure Pharmaceuticalsto combine chemistryand AI in a platform for discovering effective drugs that can be easily produced at scale. The first use case is a cancer therapy. Great chat with a compelling founder. Sponsored by Purdue University entrepreneurship and Peter Fasse, patent attorney at Fish and Richardson. Highlights: Sal Daher Introduces Sherine Abdelmawla What Akanocure Pharmaceuticals is Doing "... The challenge is ... logistically speaking, manufacturing antibodies, they have problems with pharmacokinetics. Can we have a small molecule that can do the job of that antibody? ..." Collaboration in the Lab Vs. Collaboration in the Field The Business Model for Akanocure "... interrupting the process that the cancer uses for hijacking the production of lipid fats to create its own version, a lipid shell that has particular features that make it really hard to detect the cancer..." Sherine's Backstory Why Research? “...Science is hard