Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology

Anne Ortelee's September 4, 2022 Weekly Weather



A week of shifts and changes! Venus enters Virgo until September 28. Mars enters his retrograde shadow in Gemini. He will let you know this week what the 8 months ahead are going to be about. Mercury is in Libra, stationing to go retrograde this week. The Sun works hard in Virgo. Lots of activity particularly around organizing, removing things and releasing. Making plans. Revising plans. Your ghosts are appearing! People from your past approach you about new projects. Mercury in Libra makes communications about love, good, and what fills our hearts. With Venus now in Virgo, Mercury is in mutual reception so organizing and getting things set up is quick, fast and fun. Changes, changes and more changes!!! Mars in Gemini settles down for his 8 month VRBO in Gemini. Mars will be in Gemini until March 25, 2022. Two choices. Two options. Two of everything! All the outer planets are retrograde in the heavens. Revisions, revisions, revisions! Sun in Virgo gives specific instructions! Anne Ortelee, a nationally (