Jim Duke Perspective

Woodstock CIA Counterculture, Pedophilia Priests in Pittsburgh



The late 60s was a time of radical change. It was about self discovery, rebellion against the war machine, expression of free sex, drugs, and rock and roll. It was the celebration of life, New Age and spirituality. Woodstock in August of '69 became an anthem and a ceremony for this change. We will show how it had been deliberately manufactured by Elitists as an experiment to change society. Was the counterculture a psyop agenda by the CIA and other social engineers to leap society in the arms of Globalization and the New World Order? Our discussion dissects this time and how it was one of the biggest influences for the change in society. But was actually a CIA psyop to change our thoughts and bring us “back to the Garden.” In this episode we also give an update on the Pedogate situation of Catholic Priests in Pittsburgh under investigation for child abuse. What is the agenda of the Jesuit Church to allow this to come forth?Sources used:CIA and Vatican Intelligence Apparatushttp://churchandstate.org.uk/2013/04